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​​The series of exhibitions of our pictures, Frank Neisse and I, on "Separation Walls" began in 2008, in Geneva, at the International Red Cross Museum and at the Armenian Heritage Center in Valence. In November 2009, the French Institute in Berlin organized a exhibition during the festivities of the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, and a Latin American tour was co-organized by the French Alliances in Bogota, Panama City, Mexico City, and Tijuana, and by the Red Alma Mater University in Bogota. These exhibitions led to a partnership with the French Alliance Foundation that help organized numerous exhibitions around the world. Several exhibitions have also since then been organized in French cultural centers (Sofia, Mexico, Amman, Mainz, Niamey, Vienna, Innsbruck) or foreign universities (Liege, Bogota, Pereira, Panama City) in 2009 and 2010. New ones have been organized in 2011 and 2012: Czech Republic, Greece, South Korea, India, Kenya, Colombia, Haiti, Singapore, Dubai, Ethiopia. In 2013, the Founders’ Gallery of Calgary organized a 90-pictures exhibition. In 2014-2015, exhibitions were held in Argentina, Canada, Peru, Spain and Ukraine. In 2016-2017, new exhibitions were held in Zagreb and in Belgium. In February 2018, an exhibition was held at the French Institute in Bamako in the context of the "Semaine littéraire du Mali". In 2018-2019, a number of exhibitions were held in Belgium, with the latest at the Galerie Huberty & Breynes in Brussels.

An experience that kept crossing borders

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09 November - 14 December 2019: Galerie Huberty & Breynes, Brussels, Belgium


Exhibition of 31 artists to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall




08-09-10 June 2019: Fête de Lutte ouvrière, Presles, France




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Capture d’écran 2019-06-08 à

10 May - 10 June 2019: French Alliance of Las Palmas in Gran Canaria, Spain



Interview Radio Gran Canaria, 8 May 2019



09-24 April 2019: French Alliance in Dnipro, Ukraine


Exhibition part of events of the French Spring in Ukraine

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21February - 16 March 2018: French Institute in Mali, Bamako


Exhibition in partnership with "La rentrée littéraire du Mali"

November 2017 - April 2018 : "Faites le Mur !"


Exhibitions in Belgium in partnership with

"Le Centre permanent pour la Citoyenneté et la Participation"

06-20 April 2016 : Musée des Beaux Arts of Kharkiv, in cooperation with the French Alliance, Ukraine


Pictures of the inauguration

02-31 March 2016 : Exhibition at the Alliance française of Arequipa, Peru


Article in Encuentro, and in El Pueblo


04-11 décembre 2015 : Centro Cultural Chávez de la Rosa de la Universidad Nacional del San Agustín / Alliance française d’Arequipa dans le cadre du Festival Hay Arequipa 2015

17-30 November 2015 : French Institute in Kiev with the Goethe Institute at the Museum of Fine Arts, Ukraine


Pictures of the inauguration

21 May – 26 June 2015 : "(In)Visible Walls" - Cité universitaire of Paris


Pictures of the inauguration

22 April – 20 May 2015 : French Alliance in Lima, Peru

Articles: ""Cuando el conflicto toma forma de hormigón y alambrada", 25 April 2015

LA REPUBLICA: "Fotografías: exhiben muros de la vergüenza", 22 April 2015

ANDINA: "Realizan muestra fotográfica sobre los muros del siglo XXI", 21 April 2015


12 January – 08 February 2015 : French Alliance of Dalian, China


03-14 November 2014 : Exhibition at the BRIT XIV Belgium-France,

14th international conference BRIT (Border Regions In Transition),

"The border, a source of innovation".


31 October 2014 - 01 February 2015 : French Alliance of Madrid and the Matadero (Center of Contemporary Creation), Spain


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December 2014 : French Alliance of Prishtina, Kosovo


18 September - 10 November 2014 : French Alliance in Ottawa, Canada


12-20 September 2014 : Exhibition at the book faire in Medellin, Colombia


May 2014 : French Alliances of Tetovo and Bitola, FYROM


with interview on TV Tera2


12-14 May 2014 : Exhibition in the context of the Festival "Les voies de la liberté" in the commercial mall of Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium


2014 : Tour in the French Alliances in Argentina


Article in Alfil

November 2013 : Exhibition on the US-Mexican fence in the Jardín Binacional de Playas de Tijuana organized by the COLEF (Colegio de la Frontera Norte) and the CECUT (Centro Cultural Tijuana).


Article in El Vigia,

14 January – 14 April 2013 : Walls Between Pepole

Founders' Gallery at the Military Museums, Calgary, Canada


Interview on Calgary Shaw TV


Article in BeatRoute,

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19-23 March 2013 : Muros entre los hombres


« Semana Cultural Vizcaya », University of Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico 


01-15 November 2012 : French Alliance in Addis Abeba, Ethiopia


Also presented at the French Alliance of Dire Daoua during the week of the Francophonie (13-23 March 2014)


15 January – 29 February 2012 : French Alliance in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

08-31 August 2011 : French Alliance in Nairobi, Kenya

Shown in October in Mombasa


June-December 2011 : Tour in the French Alliances in India: Calcutta, Chandigarh, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Hyderabad


"The walls between us", The Hindu, 04 December 2011

- "Barriers to progress", The Hindu, 14 September 2011

- "Another Brick in the Wall", Indian Express, 31 August 2011


29 June - 27 July 2011 : Walls Between People Exhibition during the month of photography, French Alliance in Singapore


- Asian Correspondent, 13 July 2011

09-14 June 2011 : French Alliances of Cap-Haïtien and Jacmel, and the French Institute of Port-au-Prince


21 May 2011 - 10 July 2011 : Walls Between Pepole


Goeun Contemporary Photo Museum Special Exhibition, Busan, South Korea

07-21 May 2011 : French Institute in Thessaloniki, Greece

03-26 May 2011 : French Alliance in Szeged, Hungary

15 March - 16 April 2011 : Théâtre de l’Allan - Scène nationale, Hôtel de Sponeck, Montbéliard, France

15 March - 10 April 2011 : Presentation of the exhibition at the French Institute in Prague (Galerie 35) and then Tour of the exhibition in the French Alliances in the Czech Republic


Interview, Radio Prague, 26 mars 2011: « Dans l’histoire, tous les murs sont tombés à un moment donné »


07 June - 16 July 2010 : French Institute in Vienna, Austria


Exhibition then presented in Innsbrück (11 November - 15 December 2010)


March-April 2010 : French Cultural Center "Jean Rouch", Niamey, Niger


2010-2011: Tour of the exhibition in the French Alliances

of Colombia

January 2010 : French Institute, Mainz, Germany

Day of the French-German friendship

Jazz Concert of a French-German Trio with Sylvain Kassap

01 December 2009 - 09 February 2010 : French Alliance in Mexico City


26 November – 07 December 2009 : French Alliance and the Cultural Center (CECUT), Tijuana, Mexico


26 November – 07 December 2009 : French Alliance with La Universidad Latina de Panama, Panama City


23 November – 18 December 2009 : French Alliance, Pereira, Colombia


23 November – 18 December 2009 : Edificio de Posgrados, Rogelio Salmona de la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Ciudad Universitaria, Bogota, Colombia

In cooperation with the University Red Alma Mater


Article in Zocalo Saltillo,


24 October – 07 November 2009 : « Na-Mur » : « Les murs du monde »


Place du Théâtre, Namur, Belgium

22 October – 15 November 2009 : Conference, exhibition and concert on

"Les murs n’arrêtent pas l’histoire", Cordes sur Ciel, France

organized by Paul Quilès

15 October – 15 November 2009 : French Institute in Sofia, Bulgaria


October – December 2009: Exhibition at the French Alliance in Berlin during the festivities of the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.


La Gazette de Berlin

7 October 2009 – 04 February 2010 : Centre du Patrimoine arménien, Valence, France


Main event during the week of the international solidarity in November 2009.


With videon on France 3 TV

15 September – 15 October 2009: "Des murs et des hommes" : conférence, livre et exposition

Université de Liège, Belgium

10 May – 10 June 2009 : Cultural Center of Amman, Jordan


24 septembre 2008 - 15 janvier 2009 : Museum of the International Red Cross, Geneva, Switzerland


Articles in 9MusesNews, in ArtScene, in Diva International

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