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“UN Peacekeeping at 75” Workshop

Event organized by International Peacekeeping and the Center for Security Studies (CSS) at the Zurich University



Zurich, Switzerland


11-12 June 2023


"Launch Report and Round Table Discussion: "Relevance of Older One-Dimensional UN Peace Operations"

Event organized by The Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung (FES), the Effectiveness of Peace Operations Network (EPON) and the Department of Politics and Governance of the University of Nicosia


Nicosia, Cyprus


07 April 2022


La Côte d'Ivoire au Conseil de sécurité

Book presentation with Alcide Djédjé.

Symposium « Twenty Years after the War in Ivory Coast: Thinking About the Crisis in Times of Peace » organised by the Groupe de Recherche des Stratégistes de Côte d’Ivoire (GRESCI), the Félix Houphouët-Boigny Foundation and the Institut de Recherche Stratégique de l’Ecole Militaire (IRSEM). 

On line and in Yamoussoukro (Côte d'Ivoire).

27 October 2022

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"World & Security: the role of the UN Security Council"


A conversation with Alumnus Amb. Juan Manuel Gomez-Robledo, Deputy Permanent Representative of Mexico to the United Nations, organized by Anne Scattolin from the American Foundation of Sciences-Po


New York, USA


13 December 2021


"After COVID-19: The Impact of the Coronavirus on the Future of Peacekeeping"


Webinar organized by the Chair of UN Studies in Peace and Justice at Leiden University and The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS)


Leiden University, Belgium


29 June 2020

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Géopolitique des murs aujourd'hui


Conference organized in a series of events related to the fall of walls


Centre d'Histoire de la Résistance et de la Déportation, Lyons

9 January 2020


La politique des murs et des frontières


Conference organized in a series of events related to walls and bridges

Maison des Tiers Mondes et de la Solidarité internationale, Montpellier

19 November 2019

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Lessons from Non-UN Peace Operations: Parallel Forces and Regionally Led Peace Enforcement Missions

Launch of the report written with Lisa Sharland on "Partners and Competitors: Forces Operating in Parallel to UN Peace Operations"


International Peace Institute, New York


4 November 2019

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Security Council Debate on  "Strengthening Triangular Cooperation"

Verbatim Record: S/PV.8670


UN Headquarters, New York

10 July 2019


"Does Peacekeeping Work? Key Findings From Recent Research in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Mali"

2019 Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development


Stockholm, Sweden

14 May 2019

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Paroles de Diplomates, Le Grand Débat : Le Conseil de sécurité dans un monde en miettes. Etat des lieux et perspectives.  With Ambassador Jean-Marc de La Sablière, Philippe Legrande, Anne-Thida Norodom, Alexandra Novosseloff, 

Mélanie Albaret and Christophe Richer. 

AFNU / Centre Thucydide,

University Paris-Panthéon-Assas, Paris

26 March 2019

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"How effective have the peace operations in Somalia, DR Congo and Mali been?"


Seminar organised by NUPI


08 January 2019

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Security Council Working Group on Peacekeeping Operations

Agenda: Lessons learned from UNOCI

UN Headquarters, New York

07 December 2018

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Moderation of Panel 4 on "Integrated Mission Performance"

at the High-Level Regional Conference on "Enhancing the Performance of Peacekeeping Operations - From Mandate to Exit"

Summary of debates


Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping & Peacebuilding (CCCPA), Cairo, Egypt


18-19 November 2018


"The need for closer cooperation amongst international organizations in crisis management: past and future challenges"

“Athena 18”, Security and Crisis Management International Conference, organisée par l'état-major des Armées grec à Athènes.


13-15 novembre 2018

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"Effectiveness of Peace Operations in DRC, Mali and Somalia"


Workshop organized by the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) during the Geneva Peace Week



06 November 2018

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48th Annual IPI Vienna Seminar: European Contributions to UN Peacekeeping


In cooperation with the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Defense


Vienna, Austria


04-05 June 2018


Keeping Peace from Above: Air Assets in UN Peace Operations


Launch of the report on Air Assets in UN Peace Operations


International Peace Institute, New York

1 May 2018

Keynote speech

Building and Keeping the Peace: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue


Canadian International Council- Winnipeg Branch


01 March 2018


Seminar on borders: "Les frontières : séparation, transition et partage"

French Institute in Zagreb

5 June 2017



Les murs dans l'histoire


Café Histoire de l’association Thucydide


Café Le Balbuzard, Paris

7 June 2017

L’ONU sous Trump/sous Guterres


Black Coffee Morning, with Teresa Ribera, director, Institut du Développement Durable et des Relations Internationales (Iddri)

European Council on Foreign Relations - Paris Office


24 March 2017

Demystifying Intelligence in UN Peace Operations


Presentation of the report on “Demystifying Intelligence in UN Peace Operations: Toward an Organizational Doctrine"


International Peace Institute, New York

18 July 2016

Les Européens et le maintien de la paix onusien


Black Coffee Morning, with Magnus Westerlund, Defense Attaché of the Swedish Embassy

European Council on Foreign Relations - Paris Office


26 November 2015

Les émergents et le maintien de la paix


Workshop on "La place des pays émergents en droit international"

University of Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens


23 November 2015

Amexica, le bilan humain du mur


Discussion organized in the framework of a cycle of debates on "Amexica, the border wall"

With James Cohen ; Martin Lamotte ; Raechel Running

Bibliothèque du Centre Pompidou, Paris


5 October 2015

‘A Western Return to UN Peacekeeping?’

Talk and Book Launch at the Department of Government of Georgetown University, Washington, DC.

with Lise M. Howard, Joachim Koops and Paul D. Williams

8 September 2015


Roundtable on Peacekeeping Operations

Second International Symposium on Security and Defense, Lima, Peru

23 April 2015

Réforme du Conseil de sécurité : critiques et projets

Cycle of conferences on the Security Council organized by the Association of the Internationalists, the IHEDN and the Centre Thucydide of the University Paris-Panthéon-Assas, Paris

19 January 2015

Les murs de séparation dans le monde 25 ans après la chute du mur de Berlin

Keynote Speech at "La Rencontre des Mémoires 2014" which theme was about "Borders", La Maison de la Région, Strasbourg, France


19 November 2014

New Walled Order: The Aesthetics and Politics of Barriers

Keynote Speech opening the discussion organized by the J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles



15 November 2014

The current challenges in UN peacekeeping operations

Centre for Military, Security and Strategic Studies, University of Calgary


08 February 2013

Murs : Réponses efficaces aux défis sécuritaires d’aujourd’hui ?

Seminar on ""Murs, frontières et robots : en quoi les nouvelles technologies conduisent-elles ou non  au renouvellement de la problématique des frontières ?""

Centre de Recherche des écoles de Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan, Ecole militaire, Paris

09 February 2011

Forum Libération : "Les nouvelles frontières"

"Les murs, symptôme d'un monde en fragmentation ?"

Debate with Jean-Christophe Victor and Dominique David

Hotel de Ville, Lyons

25 November 2011

Evolution du Département des opérations de maintien de la paix

Journée d'étude "Le maintien de la paix des Nations Unies: évolution et défis"

(A l’occasion du vingtième anniversaire de la création du Département des opérations de maintien de la paix des Nations Unies)


Maison de la Chimie, Fondation pour la recherche stratégique, Paris


05 December 2012

America Reloaded, event-series, Berlin


November 2009

Les nouveaux murs


Discussion organized in the framework of a cycle on "Highlights on the 21st Century", in cooperation with Books Magazine. With Sylvain Cypel et Tzvetan Todorov

Bibliothèque du Centre Pompidou, Paris


19 October 2009

"Peacekeeping: Essence, Response and Challenge"

Conference on "United Nations Peacekeeping: Major Achievements and Implications for Policy", Seoul

23 June 2008

La sécurité humaine : quel concept pour quelle application à la péninsule arabique ?

Colloque franco-yéménite "Le Yémen et son environnement régional", Sanaa

16-17 February 2008

La doctrine et le maintien de la paix d’aujourd’hui

Séminaire destinés aux États francophones membres du C34

Réseau de recherche sur les opérations de paix, New York

29 January 2008

Le chapitre VII, le recours à la force et le maintien de  la paix

L’héritage de Lester B. Pearson - 50 ans d’opérations de paix

International Conference on the future of peace operations organized by the Réseau de recherche sur les opérations de paix, Montréal

3 November 2006

Les normes fixées par le rapport Brahimi mises à l’épreuve

Séminaire international sur la notion d’opération de paix

organized by the Réseau de recherche sur les opérations de paix, Montréal

17 March 2006

La coopération entre l’ONU et les organisations régionales dans le domaine du maintien de la paix : principes et évolution

Workshop on "UN Peacekeeping and European Regional Organizations", Nice, France

22-23 November 2005

The role and Reform of the UN Security Council in a Collective Security System

Workshop organized by American Institute for Contemporary German Studies,

The Johns Hopkins University, Washington DC


22 November2004

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